How do I log into a database?

After clicking on a database title, you should be redirected to a login screen for OpenAthens pictured below.

OpenAthens  Log in Screen


Most digital resources accessed through the library will require you to login through OpenAthens when you attempt to access resources from a personal device or from an off-campus location.

To log in with OpenAthens, select to log in as "Student" or "Faculty/ Staff" and enter your university credentials:

  • Students should choose the Student option and login with your TU Canvas login information
  • Faculty and staff should choose the Faculty/ Staff login and use your TU email login information.

If you are locked out of your account after multiple attempts, please contact Information Systems to reset your password ( or 423-636-7346). If resetting your password does not work, please contact the library ( or 423-636-7320).

  • Last Updated Oct 24, 2023
  • Views 389
  • Answered By Lelia Dykes

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